
Won 2 awards of excellence in expanded field procurement

2020-05-19 11:04:06 Perusahaan aksesoris mobil 5


At the supplier conference held at foshan Marco hotel on January 30, 2018, three companies with excellent quality and five companies with excellent procurement in the expanded site were selected from 73 suppliers and awarded prizes. This award was awarded for the second year in a row after the excellent quality award in 2016. It is the result of all the staff engaging in production activities with a firm sense of purpose. I hope to continue to get support from the head office in the future. At the supplier conference held in foshan Marco hotel, three excellent quality companies were selected from the suppliers, and five excellent companies were awarded for expanding the local procurement. Won this award for the second consecutive year after winning the quality excellence award, which is the result of all APAC employees with a firm sense of purpose to engage in production activities. I hope to continue to get support from the head office in the future.

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即墨市| 阜康市| 石首市| 咸阳市| 扶绥县| 改则县| 广州市| 无为县| 射阳县| 犍为县| 新郑市| 中江县| 微博| 崇明县| 麻阳| 汤阴县| 灌南县| 澎湖县| 敖汉旗| 大方县| 且末县| 梅河口市| 台湾省| 曲阳县| 论坛| 华宁县| 新化县| 汪清县| 会理县| 夏津县| 清水河县| 阆中市| 玛沁县| 贺兰县| 白河县| 怀安县| 醴陵市| 深泽县| 青浦区| 红安县| 惠水县|