
Rear seat comfort system

Provide comfortable and spacious backseat space backrest inclination can be adjusted: through the combination of sliding mechanism linkage and individual action, achieve a large tilt Angle footrests: although opened after a large, can be retractable small backrest center concave (only the upper body to sit) : sitting comfortable and comfortable, can only rise above the shoulder blade

Provide comfortable and spacious back seat space

The inclination of backrest can be adjusted: through the combination of sliding mechanism linkage and separate actions, the large inclination Angle is realized

Footrest: although it is large when pulled apart, it is small to hold

Back of a chair in the middle of a concave shape (only the upper body to sit up) : sitting comfortable and comfortable, can only rise from the shoulder blade

Halaman depan
雷山县| 江山市| 油尖旺区| 新闻| 新郑市| 阿尔山市| 大港区| 天全县| 田阳县| 白朗县| 田阳县| 黄骅市| 南岸区| 平利县| 岱山县| 陆良县| 大庆市| 高安市| 察隅县| 扎囊县| 永安市| 芒康县| 延安市| 会同县| 大方县| 阿坝县| 化隆| 岳阳市| 巧家县| 泉州市| 错那县| 徐州市| 丰顺县| 雅安市| 通城县| 瑞丽市| 磴口县| 青川县| 乌苏市| 济源市| 自贡市|