
Electric back door system

Expand the luggage storage space through the spindle (one axle) drive unit. Open and close the rear and stern door automatically through remote operation. When the door is closed and foreign body is caught in the door, it can automatically return to realize manual opening and closing

Expand the luggage storage space through the main axis (one axis) drive unit

Automatically open and close the rear trunk door through remote operation

Automatic return when foreign body is detected in the door

It can also realize manual opening and closing · full opening setting · stop on the way

Accessory alias: electric back door system

Expand the luggage storage space through the main axis (one axis) drive unit

Automatically open and close the rear trunk door through remote operation

Halaman depan
桐庐县| 龙江县| 伊春市| 枣强县| 贵州省| 宁海县| 景德镇市| 定陶县| 望奎县| 响水县| 富阳市| 北票市| 确山县| 廉江市| 富锦市| 曲靖市| 康保县| 双峰县| 绥德县| 自贡市| 临西县| 宁晋县| 西青区| 乌拉特后旗| 吉林市| 车致| 封开县| 容城县| 左权县| 封丘县| 修武县| 常州市| 张家港市| 应城市| 武邑县| 保靖县| 自治县| 苍梧县| 宁武县| 乌拉特后旗| 惠州市|