
Bumper reinforcement system

The extruding alloy made of superhard aluminum is not only light but also can absorb the impact energy when the vehicle collides, which can reduce the impact borne by the vehicle and passengers

The extruding alloy made of superhard aluminum is not only light but also can absorb the impact energy when the vehicle collides, which can reduce the impact borne by the vehicle and passengers

Accessory alias: bumper reinforcement system

The extruding alloy made of superhard aluminum is not only light but also can absorb the impact energy when the vehicle collides, which can reduce the impact borne by the vehicle and passengers

Halaman depan
秦安县| 青海省| 京山县| 淮安市| 河西区| 泰来县| 调兵山市| 天等县| 化隆| 巫山县| 临泉县| 正镶白旗| 新源县| 长治县| 湖南省| 高淳县| 鹰潭市| 密山市| 休宁县| 商南县| 南汇区| 浦城县| 马鞍山市| 临泉县| 吴川市| 兴山县| 简阳市| 咸阳市| 滨海县| 马尔康县| 新邵县| 承德市| 称多县| 呼玛县| 台中市| 鹿邑县| 忻州市| 云南省| 东城区| 新乡市| 武邑县|