
Skylight system

Open and close the glass skylight to provide passengers with a sense of openness. The panoramic skylight, made up of multiple panes of glass in the front and rear, offers refreshing wind and warm sunshine from all the seats and even the back seat. The anti-clip function ensures the user's security when opening and closing the door.

Open and close the glass skylight to provide passengers with a sense of openness.
The panoramic skylight, made up of multiple panes of glass in the front and rear, offers refreshing wind and warm sunshine from all the seats and even the back seat.
The anti-clip function ensures the user's security when opening and closing the door.

Accessory alias: skylight system

Open and close the glass skylight to provide passengers with a sense of openness.
The panoramic skylight, made up of multiple panes of glass in the front and rear, offers refreshing wind and warm sunshine from all the seats and even the back seat.

Halaman depan
屏东市| 石渠县| 边坝县| 贺兰县| 措勤县| 大兴区| 朝阳县| 建昌县| 西乌| 岑溪市| 吉安市| 肃北| 故城县| 大荔县| 中江县| 崇阳县| 张北县| 于都县| 平凉市| 枣阳市| 格尔木市| 葵青区| 舞钢市| 北票市| 康保县| 固始县| 衡阳市| 苏尼特右旗| 新闻| 遵义市| 永康市| 曲松县| 图木舒克市| 阿合奇县| 富锦市| 娱乐| 正镶白旗| 正安县| 彰化县| 九龙县| 乌审旗|