Application of integrated control units for Power Window Application。
- Negotiation and defining the functionality (Specification) with Chinese customer。
- presentation ofプロジェクトdocuments→tku、test plan、validationリスト、test result、fmea and drawings to the customer。
—Application of software: anti-punch function and system reactions to user commands (HMI)。
- Performing software changes at customer。
- analysis of system errors(バグス)together with customer (hw;sw;mechanics)
—Teamwork in international development teams (ED,AE)
?promote close cooperation between rbcc andでaeロックengineers。
- RBCCとAEエンジニア間の協(xié)力関係を促進(jìn)する
- BS or Master degree in electronic engineering
3 years working experience in?2 orエレクトロニクス
- 2-3年の電子開発の経験
?experienced in using pc office software
Be familiar with hardware and software in Electronics control system。
-グッドcommand of english si-theme-font both w r i t t and spoken