
Electric vehicle solutions

2020-05-18 09:25:57 8

Provide a complete set of connectors, relays, wire harnesses, contactors and switches to securely connect and protect data and power transmission around a hybrid or pure electric vehicle.It has been proven that our automotive products have excellent performance in both light and heavy vehicles, and our technology, with decades of experience in high-voltage generation, transmission and distribution, can definitely demonstrate unquestionable safety and reliability in your applications. Our AMP+ series of cables, connectors, wiring harnesses and terminals can safely and reliably deliver high and low voltage power in and around batteries and vehicles, providing you with driving power.

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孝昌县| 黑河市| 安乡县| 临湘市| 江陵县| 秦皇岛市| 九龙县| 凌海市| 岳阳县| 唐河县| 铁岭市| 托克托县| 宽城| 行唐县| 连城县| 武夷山市| 兴宁市| 历史| 景德镇市| 名山县| 贡嘎县| 渭南市| 日照市| 安阳市| 唐河县| 禹城市| 三明市| 利辛县| 马公市| 嵊泗县| 孟津县| 溧水县| 长垣县| 尼勒克县| 来凤县| 磐石市| 汾西县| 吉首市| 平罗县| 进贤县| 忻州市|